Thursday, February 2, 2012

Leah: 5 weeks

Random pictures

Trying to get some cute pictures of the girls.  No matter what someone is being goofy.  Oh well, it does show off their personality!


The big snow storm was fun for about 2 days, and then it got icy, we lost power and I was over it.  We lost power for 3 days.  We toughed it out at home.  We have a gas fireplace and gas burners so we were able to stay a bit warm and cook food.  It wasn't all that bad, but I was really ready for it to come back on!  The first few days of snow were so much fun.  The girls loved sledding, making their snowman and having daddy home :-).

Monday, January 30, 2012

Random Cuteness

Just some random pictures of my three adorable girls :-).Leah is about 3 weeks old here.  

Christmas Eve

Christmas was crazy this year.  We just moved, had a newborn, had tons of family events plus we hosted the Stanley's on Christmas day.  We had a wonderful time but honestly, am glad December is over!!!  The girls had a blast every second of it.  It was so crazy, I only took my camera out on Christmas Eve, I completely forgot to take one single picture of Christmas day, oops!

Girl Cousins watching The Grinch

Mia and Leah.  Mia is my step-brother's, Todd, daughter.  

All the grandchildren caroling

 Present time!

Snowflake Lane

Each year my sisters and I meet for Santa pictures at the mall, have dinner at Red Robin and then go to Snowflake Lane. The cousins love it and it is turning into one of my favorite holiday traditions!

Watching the "snow" come down
Despite their faces, they are having fun!
Little Leah slept through it all

Carlsen Christmas

The Carlsen Christmas was as fun as ever this year :-). We visited with family, sang songs and even had a visit from Santa! Leah had her first ferry ride also, but no pictures of that....

Reese having fun, she would not sit with Santa at this party
Leah's first Santa visit
Julia and Santa
All the 2nd cousins