Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Helping Daddy

Jim and Julia did a little gardening on Sunday while the weather was nice. Julia has a watering can, rake, shovel and bucket in her size and enjoyed helping daddy spread dirt over the plants. Below are just a few pictures of their gardening.

One day she will smile "normal" for the camera

Shoveling the dirt........

Sweeping the dirt she just shoveled....

Monday, April 14, 2008

Who needs a lot of toys?

Who needs a lot of toys when one simple one will provide hours of entertainment? Julia found MANY uses for her ABC mat the other day. She started out by laying under it and saying "sleep". I thought this was pretty hilarious myself, but it just got better and better as time went on. She then used it as a rain coat, but was very upset that it had no hood. After the coat there was a blanket for Lucy. Thank goodness our dog is to tolerant because Julia "plays" with her all day long and Lucy just takes it all. After the coat for Lucy it was a saddle and she was riding Lucy, almost made 8 seconds ;-). See the series of pictures below to see how much fun one toy can be for a 2 year old (well, almost 2).
Julia sleeping under her blanket

Rain Coat

Blanket for Lucy

Saddle, Giddy Up!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cousin time!

Jim's sister and neice visited from Kansas this past week. Julia had so much fun with her cousin, Arundhati (of coarse we did too!) and Aunt Erin. Erin came to visit the new twins that Jim's younger sister had in March; which I need to post pictures of also but I forgot my camera last time we visited......

Erin, Arundhati, Jim and Julia (and yes, that is her smile for the camera)
Big hugs and smiles!