Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I thought I would be much better at updating this blog, but before I know it almost a month goes by! We have had a very busy July and August thus far. We went on our annual Minnesota trip; which was a lot of fun. I got terribly sick halfway through the trip and never recovered until after we got home and Julia got sick as we were taking off the runway on the airplane ride home. That was a fun plane trip :-(, yikes! Julia lived in the pool at Minnesota, and loved, loved, loved the water slide there. She was so sad that first week to be home, but we have gotten back into our routine and all is good again. We have pretty much been living at the parks around our house since the weather has been so beautiful. Below are some pictures of the last month. Will update sooner next time, I promise....

Reading on the potty (yes, she has been fully potty trained for a bit now!!!)

I'm pretty sure she should be wearing a helmet, not a life jacket
My new big girl bed, I love it!!!!
At the pool with cousin Ellie

Opa and Julia