Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valentine's Day

Julia and were alone on Valentine's Day as Jim was out of town, but we had a great day none the less. We had heart shaped pancakes for breakfast and heart shaped grilled cheese for lunch. That night we babysat for my sister so her and Danny could go out to a movie. Julia of coarse had a great time playing with Ellie and Cameron. Julia loved her present that we gave her, monkey slippers. She has them on 100% of the time when we are home and hates to even think about leaving and taking them off. Little did she know we bought her these slippers because her old one's were worn so much that they stank so bad and I couldn't stand her feet anymore. She is a slipper girl....but they make her feet sweaty and really, really stinky. Oh well, we will keep slippers in business by having to buy new one's all the time when she stinks out the old one's. I am hoping that by buying the more open slippers it will help the far so good.

Valentine's morning

Monkey Slippers

Baby is going for a ride on Lucy, who was apparently cold, according to Julia

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Craft Time

Julia had to bring Valentine's to her friends at school this week so I thought we should make them. Julia got to stamp and glitter all of them. She was so proud to give them to all of her friends yesterday at school and she was even more excited to get 25 in return :-). There was also a family fun night at school last night where we decorated cookies and made picture frames. Of coarse I forgot my camera but Julia had a great time. When we were reading books before bed she kept complaining her belly hurt....a little too much cookie decorating, oops.

My little helper

I LOVE stamping, just like mom

The final cards.....I am still sweeping up glitter 4 days later

Friday, February 6, 2009


I did not quite realize how long it has been since I updated the blog. I am not sure how many people even read it so who knows if anyone even noticed ;-). I had to laugh when I saw the last picture of myself, I actually look quite small (compared to what I look like now). I will take a picture soon and post my new physique. I am about 4 weeks out and still feeling really, really good. We are just excited and anxious and can't wait to meet the baby. We are ready, nursery is done and clothes washed. Julia is ready to be my little helper and can't wait to help with diapers, baths and rocking the baby to sleep. I hope she is still excited when there is actually a real baby here, not just one of her quiet dolls. Below are some recent pictures taken, I have been really lazy with the camera lately, oops!

Julia helping make brownies, she only helps so she can lick the spoon afterwards

Trinidad's 7th birthday party

Julia (if you can see her) and her cousins, Trinidad, Jaxon and Wyatt