Sunday, May 31, 2009

Treats for Lucy

Julia and Lucy's favorite pastime.......

PS - a bathing suit is the only thing you will catch Julia wearing now.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fun Pic's

The girls are growing so fast! I can't believe how big Reese is getting. Every day I pull out her clothes for the day I realize they don't fit and have to grab a bigger outfit. She is smiling and "talking" all the time. Julia is still enjoying being a big sister but is still learning how to be gentle.

I don't think Reese will ever be alone, ever!

New golf clubs that daddy got me! Don't most golfers golf in swimsuits?!

Two cuties....

Loved the facial expression!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do not let the dress fool you

Julia always has been a lover of the outdoors and pretty rough. Add the two together and you get one scraped up little girl. With the nice weather this weekend we were literally outdoors except to sleep. Even then Julia slept just enough to get enough energy to do it all again. She was up at 6:30am on Saturday in a dress and outside. She was so busy bike riding, park hopping and whatever else you can think of. Even the biggest of falls could not stop her, as seen below! She is one tough cookie......

Always in a dress, which is why the falls hurt that much more, no coverage!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Since I have been non-existant on this blog forever I thought I would just put up some pictures of the last few months.

Happy Birthday Reese!
Easter Egg time
Peps 3rd Birthday Party

Julia and her buddy Logan at the Issaquah Zoo

Belle and Cinderella

Ellie's 7th Birthday party.....this is a huge horse (Julia is no small girl and she can barely sit on him)

Reese is wondering when I will save her

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day, to me!

Need I say more......I am one lucky mommy.