Friday, June 26, 2009

Roar, I'm a lion

So I took out the next size up clothes bin for Reese as she is growing and growing and in it was a lion costume that Julia wore at 4 1/2 months for Halloween. As many of you know Julia LOVES clothes and LOVES to dress up, so what could be better than a lion costume? As you can see below it is a little small :-). I took video of her scaring Lucy all morning but it is on our video camera, I wish I got it on my camera as it was really cute. Oh well.

Roar! What you can't tell is that the legs are losing circulation and the feet fit about half way.

The buns were literally oozing out...

Julia at 4 1/2 months wearing the costume

Lucy can't ever beleft out.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day

We has an excellent Father's Day, just hanging out at home. Jim was gone Wednesday - Saturday so it was nice to have him home and Julia was excited to see him when she woke up on Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon we went to my sister's to spend time with the family and the cousins had a blast hanging out together. Julia loves her cousins so much and talks about them non-stop. Thankfully the weather held out and they were able to play outside in Jenny's beautiful yard, with a playground and trampoline!

Jim with his girls, hanging out in bed

Opa with his grandkids, minus 7
Julia and Opa

Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Julia!!!!

Our Darling Julia is 3!!!! I can't believe it. We had the best weekend ever celebrating her birthday. The pure joy in her face was so fun to see and experience. She enjoyed every minute of it. She loved everyone calling to sing her happy birthday, she loved the presents, the extra special treats thrown into the day, her movie with daddy, dinner at Red Robin, her Gymnastics party...all of it!!!! Thanks everyone who helped celebrate her special day.

Birthday morning.....birthday princess for the day

Bike from Nana and Bruce

Birthday cake (thanks Grandma Robin for making it)

Even Reese had a great time! Here she is with cousin Brady

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fun Summer Days.......

Despite the heat we have been having fun in the sun! We have pretty much just been hanging out in the backyard and having BBQ's with friends. What a great start to the summer!

Julia loves olives!

Lucy gets hot in her fur coat....

Swing time fun

Julia and Reese hanging out with some of their best buddies
Julia being a baby (we are giving our bassinet to good friends who are having a baby and Julia had to take one last ride in it....but Reese is now in her crib at night, my baby is growing up)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Graduate

Yesterday Julia graduated from her toddler class (where we went one day a week for two hours, parents stayed). I can't believe that I actually have a preschooler now! There was a "ceremony" at a local park where the toddlers walked the bridge from toddler hood to preschool and received a certificate of completion. All Julia talks about now is how she is going to go to school without me next year. She is very excited to be a big girl, me, not so much ;-).

That's my girl!

Reese is so proud of her big sister ;-)
Walking the bridge

Cupcake time

The class, I guess I didn't change my setting to outside, a little bright