Monday, August 24, 2009

Daddy got in touch with his feminine side

Need I say more than the title??????

No joke, Jim never woke up! Julia enjoyed this so much

Jim did this all by himself, bead by bead. So proud of himself
Too add insult to injury, Julia had to add a "crown". Thankfully we have the world's most patient dog
Julia had to then act like a dog as Lucy was getting too much attention, she has a "bone" in her mouth

Nana and Bruce's

Always a good time at Nana and Bruce's...................

Driving Bruce's boat
Julia, Aunt Shannon and Ellie

Mya and Aunt Jenny

Ellie, Mya, Brady, Cameron, and Julia

Slip and Slide time

Ocean Shores

Last Monday and Tuesday Jim had to go to Ocean Shores to work. At the last minute I decided to pack up the girls and tag along. The weather was beautiful and we had such a great time hanging out at the beach while Jim was working. Jim surprised me and got the suite at the hotel, so it was a bit easier on all of us, and we all had somewhere to sleep. Beautiful room, beautiful view, we had a great time! Poor Reese spent the entire two days in the baby carrier as you can't really bring a stroller to the beach nor set her down, but she did really well, as always.

Could anything be better than a day at the beach with your girls?
Making "snow angels".....I tried telling her they were "sand angels" but she kept calling them snow angels

Combing the beach for treasures

Julia couldn't wait to go to the pool, notice the deflated swim ring around her neck. Dad took her that night after dinner :-)

Sand castles

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sunriver, OR Pictures

Some pictures from our fabulous trip to Sunriver in July.................
Nana and Opa with their 13 grand kids
Hot tub time
Dancing at the Concert on the Green

Concert on the Green

Concert on the Green

Opa and Reese

Ellie and Reese

Eating on the hot tub

Concert on the Green

Horse Riding

Water balloon fight

Bike riding

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Let's Eat!

Now that Reese is 5 months old (!) I let her start eating food. I got the hint when she kept grabbing my food and fussing while watching us eat. I was going to wait until she was 6 months to give her rice cereal but given that she was really trying to tell me she wanted to eat I started a little early. She was SO happy to eat!!! But Julia got a bit jealous the first you can tell from the picture below.

So happy to finally eat

She wanted to help me in case I didn't know what I was doing

I think this is the best picture ever! Julia was a little jealous of all the attention Reese was getting. She has not worn a bib in 2 years...but had to have one like Reese. Nice scowl...

Still upset, but Reese was happy

Monday, August 10, 2009

Carlsen Reunion

Sunday was the annual Carlsen family reunion. While I was sad that this was the first year that Grammie was not there it was still a great time had by all. The weather turned out perfect and the kids had a blast. What is not to love about Hood Canal?!

Julia combing the beach for shells

the boys swimming in the water
Swinging with Jenny

I love dad!

The kids crowded about my Uncle Jim who is shucking oysters

He ate it!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Girls

We recently got back from vacation to Sunriver, OR. I will post pictures soon, I just have to get them from my sister. She did a much better job taking pictures than I did :-). I guess my hands were a little full having a baby and toddler on vacation and I totally slacked on taking a lot of pictures. Oops. But I have taken some cute pictures of the girls recently.

Getting stronger
Playing around

Mom: "Julia, make Reese laugh"
Julia: screams
Reese: scared

Reese can't wait until she starts eating solids

Fun at the park