Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fun Times!

Some recent pic's of the girls!

Reese's new favorite play spot, under the table. Julia of coarse has to follow her.


Lazy Sunday

Julia and one of her best friends, Allison (the coats were not on purpose)

Allison, Andrew and Julia (3 princesses, they got Andrew to dress as Snow White)

Look Mom, I can spell my name (my handwriting on top, Julia's on bottom)!

Friday, January 8, 2010

It has been way too long........

Thanks Casey for pointing out that I have not updated this in a long time! It has been just a little busy lately and this is always the first thing to come off the "to-do" list. Anyway, we had such a great Christmas with family and friends. Julia loved spending time with all her cousins and opening all the presents. Reese cruised right through it :-). Reese is now 10 months old, I cannot believe that my baby is almost 1. It has been truly a CRAZY year all around, but despite it all it has been the best year at the same time.

Julia has started ballet, her first lesson was on Wednesday. I was really trying to get her to enroll in gymnastics but she insisted on ballet. She is such a rough and tumble girl that I didn't know if this would be a good fit, but she loves it. I don't get to stay and watch but she showed me some "dance moves" when she got home and she is well on her way ;-).

Anyway, hopefully I get better at updating this poor little blog in the future.

First ballet lesson

Her hair must be in a bun, I thought I pulled this off quite nicely ;-)

Visit with Great-Grandpa Paul Stanley (Paul, Maria, Aunt Val, Reese, Jim, Julia)

Soul Patch given out at the Seahawks game, Jim brought it home for the girls

Reese loved it!

Julia's photography. Reese is quite cranky during her witching hour (about 4 - 5:30) that she now is permanently with me instead of having to listen to all the whining/crying at my feet.