Friday, February 19, 2010

Why am I so bad at updating this blog?

I don't know if I don't take enough pictures, don't have enough to say or just don't have enough time, but this little blog always takes a back seat. I think it is a combination of the three excuses above, but I sure would love to post more pictures and stories. Honestly, things are going really well, the kids are so cute and amazing. Reese is 1 early next month so we will have fun celebrating her birthday. Julia just got a haircut and looks adorable! Her hair was getting a little too shag-a-muffin for my liking and she wanted it cut also so off we went. She looks so grown up to me.

The most normal picture I could get of Julia's haircut (the rest were her rolling her eyes or opening her mouth as wide as it could now I have Reese in the picture, you will notice she is not in anymore :-().

Fun times at the aquarium with my moms group.............

Julia's favorite part, high-fiving the scuba diver

Fun with friends, poor little Drew