Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Girly Girls

Always dressing up, even Reese is into it now!

Mother's Day Tea

A few pictures from the Mother's Day Tea at Julia's preschool.

Beautiful tables and set-up

All the kids pictures in the "flowers they made"

Me and my girl!

The kids served us strawberry shortcake, and cleaned it up!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

Julia is a little excited about the Mother's Day Tea tomorrow at her preschool. She practices all the time :-).


Reese has been taking steps since about a 13 months, but is now finally "walking" as her mode of transportation (well most of the time). Just too cute to see the Frankenstein walk ;-).

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Artistic Experience

Reese got to play with Play-Doh and crayons last night! Surprisingly, not much went in the mouth. Never mind the randomness of Julia's outfit ;-).

Soccer Mom

I am officially a "soccer mom", the only thing missing is the minivan! Julia started soccer last week and she could not be happier.

Wanted to show off her shinguards

Ready to go coach: Julia and Logan (in orange)