Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Today was the Snoqualmie Ridge 4th of July parade and party. Another year and another great time! The kids had a blast and the weather cooperated. Reese was able to participate this year, I don't think she even came out of the stroller last year. My how time flies.........

Getting cozy for the parade

Ready to roll
It didn't take long for Julia to find some of her buddies (Grace, Julia, Jayden)

Train Ride

Horse Ride

Reese's first horse ride, she did not stop smiling once!

Face Painting, Reese wanted to part of that one

Not sure what to call this, but Julia loved jumping and getting really high!
Thanks Jim for waiting in line for close to an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!

No hands!

Getting higher!

The many faces of Sweet Reese

Reese is just so dang cute! Love this kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Julia's play crib, Julia is pretend sleeping

I love my girls!



As goofy as her sister, I love it! I just ran my fingers through her curls and this is what I got :-)