Monday, September 27, 2010


Cousins are the best!!!! All together for my mom's 65th birthday.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This past weekend we packed up and headed to Seabrook, WA (just outside of Ocean Shores). It was so nice and so needed to just get away. We headed down Friday morning and stopped in Olympia and had a nice lunch with Jim's parents. Then we continued on down and stayed until late Sunday morning. Our family rarely goes anywhere just the 4 of us, so it was really special to spend this time together with no distractions. As luck would have it one of my friends from my mom's group and her family were down there the same weekend.....only one cottage house in between us! Unfortunately, the rain almost never stopped so we didn't spend too much time together, but there was some stops in the rain for some good beach time. Julia's favorite part of the weekend was playing with Grace.....

Lucy LOVES the beach

trying to get some beach time in before the rain on Friday

I think Jim is contemplating why we brought a kite down, it was pouring in this picture and absolutely zero wind all weekend

Rain does not stop smore making

Julia and Grace playing in the rain, moving the bench to a more desirable area

so they could reach the tree branches

Notice how wet the girls are?

Saturday morning, good weather!!!!

such good buddies

Lucy finding a way to get dirty (minutes before Grace fell into this hole also!)

Sand angels

two little angels!
Dad and his baby girl

Swimming Lessons

Last week the girls started swimming lessons at the community center (our "private" teacher is moving back to San Diego :-(). There was one time slot where Julia could have her lesson and Reese could have a baby/parent swim class. Fun for all (most of all me because I get to sit dry and warm on the side). Reese cries each time she has to get out of the pool she loves it so much.

Gotta love the plumber butt on the kids next to Julia

Fort Fun

I love it when two chairs and 4 blankets entertain my kids for a couple hours on a rainy afternoon! The girls were hidden in there playing with babies forever :-).


I have been putting Reese's hair in a ponytail lately (have been receiving lots of compliments so maybe I should do it more often). Her hair is definitely long enough to do so, you just can't tell through the curls. What a cutie pie she looks like!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of the Last Year........

Our little girl started her last year of preschool this year. I think I am more emotional this year than last, not sure why. I guess because she really does seem older this year and way more independent! She was so excited to see her teachers and friends. She asked me on the drive to school if I would be sad while she was gone. I said yes, but more a feeling of excitement that she gets this opportunity. She is in an awesome school with some of her closest friends; what could be better to a 4 year old girl!

First day!

She wanted her shoes in the picture!

Outside of school

Ready for the big day!

Putting her name on the board

Already playing with friends, this was about 30 seconds into it!