Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Our "baby" is growing up! It was about time Reese got a bed, since we will need the crib in 4 weeks! Reese loves her new bed and even picked out her own bedding.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Moving Update

First off, I finally buckled two weeks ago and got Internet at the apartment. I could not take it any longer! Now that I do have my computer back I can actually start posting again, when I get a chance that is!

We are still in the apartment, but aiming to move by the end of November, at the latest!!! We moved out of our old house in early September and had our hearts set on a particular house in the neighborhood. The house was in bankruptcy, so the process of getting the house was neither short nor easy, hence why we moved to the apartments while we waited. We were under the impression that we would get the house, just in late October. As time went on it was clear that the bank was not going to accept our offer, which we were told they would, and that the bank was most likely going to buy the house back and list it themselves (at a price we did not want to pay given that the current occupant has damaged that house, a lot). Anyway, we started looking around again and found nothing that we liked as much. Then last weekend we went through a house down the street from our old house and fell in love! It was even better that they just had a huge price drop also. We have mutual acceptance on price and just had the inspection. Nothing major came up so we are very confident that what is "wrong" will get worked out between us and the current owner. We are pushing for a fast close, aiming to move Thanksgiving weekend, but may be a week later, just depends on how fast our lender can close and how fast the current occupants can move out (there is a "house manager" there, the owners have already moved out of state).

What will come first, move date or baby's birthday?!?!?!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our Pirate and Fairy..............