Sunday, June 8, 2008

2nd Birthday Party!!!

It's official, Julia absolutely loved her birthday party at Kidz Bounce. For as much as she talked about it before hand I was unsure if she would clam up or ham it up at the party, and she hammed it up! She got to hang out with all her friends and family and she never once wiped that smile off of her face. She had an absolute blast, and FINALLY got to eat her birthday cupcake. I think in total she asked Jim and I about 100 times if she could eat her cupcake, and when she finally got it it lasted about 1 minute. She has been having a blast playing with her new toys (although she is a bit tired today as she only slept 6 hours last turn 2 and you become a horrible sleeper?!). Anyway, thanks to everyone who was able to make it to her party, you truly made her day, perhaps year!

Blowing out her candle....

Opening gifts with Logan and Allison

Opening gifts with Wyatt

Here is the smile that never left her face!

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