Friday, September 26, 2008

Two Princesses

Jim was gone for an evening so Julia and I decided to head down to my friends house (Kristina) since her husband was out of town. We thought we could have dinner so we wouldn't be so lonely without the boys and we wanted to see their brand new beautiful house!! She has a daughter (Allison) one year older than Julia and a 7 month old (Andrew). Allison and Julia absolutely adore each other. They played for hours on end in the princess butterfly outfits below. They were just too funny when we were taking their pictures......and as Kristina mentioned these pictures will come out on their first date, just to embarrass them.

Stefanie: "Julia, get your finger out of your nose"

Stefanie: "Allison, get your finger out of your nose"

Stefanie: "Screw it, this is too cute!"

Finally, no fingers up the nose!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Big Girl in Small Clothes

Sometimes I get a kick out of the smallest things. It was not that Julia was trying to wear her Cabbage Patch Kid clothes, it was that she insisted on walking around the house in them, and it just made me laugh hysterically to see her "walk" in those pants....over, and over, and over.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Cookie Monster

Julia helped me make cookies today, she actually made most of the dough. I would measure everything out and she poured it in and turned on the mixer. My little baker, I love it! I never told her to lick the mixer, she just grabbed it and started going to town (see pictures below). I saved the dough and made the cookies during her nap, as last time I tried to cook them when she was awake it was a complete nightmare! She would take her stool and climb on the counter trying to get the cookies. So as you can see I have a little cookie monster on my hands......

Monday, September 8, 2008

More Pictures

My sisters have sent me some photos of Julia from this summer that they had and I thought they we too good to not share with you all. So enjoy some of the last summer pictures!

On the pontoon ride in Minnesota

playing hide and seek with Lucy, she is so patient! Can you see Lucy's nose??

Carousel at Remlinger Farms (my new favorite place)

Mom, Julia and Grammie at the 2008 Carlsen reunion

Brady and Julia at the Carlsen reunion

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mama, that don't fit!

I thought this story was too funny not to share. Yesterday as I was getting dressed Julia was with me in the closet. I have to now do the rubber band trick for my jeans as they don't button anymore due to my ever expanding belly. As I was putting the rubber band on the button Julia looked at me and said, "Mama, that don't fit, I don't like!" Nothing like being told you look like a train wreck by a two year old ;-).

Julia and I also went to get her a haircut yesterday, not just a trim this time but a cut (she looks too adorable with her new cut!). She LOVED the haircut and the whole experience, I actually think she liked getting her lollipop at the end the best. I have posted a few pictures and video below of the fun day.




"Video of me licking my lollipop"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Exciting News!

We are very excited to announce that we are expecting baby #2 in early March (~3/8). I would have posted a picture of the latest ultrasound but our scanner does not work with the new computer we just had to buy :-(. I had a pretty good/clear picture to post also. Oh well, baby Stanley will have to wait until his birthdate to show you his/her face. We are not going to find out what we are having, trying to keep people guessing once again.

Jim, Stefanie and Julia