Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mama, that don't fit!

I thought this story was too funny not to share. Yesterday as I was getting dressed Julia was with me in the closet. I have to now do the rubber band trick for my jeans as they don't button anymore due to my ever expanding belly. As I was putting the rubber band on the button Julia looked at me and said, "Mama, that don't fit, I don't like!" Nothing like being told you look like a train wreck by a two year old ;-).

Julia and I also went to get her a haircut yesterday, not just a trim this time but a cut (she looks too adorable with her new cut!). She LOVED the haircut and the whole experience, I actually think she liked getting her lollipop at the end the best. I have posted a few pictures and video below of the fun day.




"Video of me licking my lollipop"

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