Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Roller Girl

Julia went to her first roller skating party on Sunday for her cousin Kate's 7th birthday! Julia could not get enough of skating. I tried to take her out first but my back about gave out trying not to fall and hold her up at the same time. So Jim ended up roller skating for a few hours. The smile was never wiped off of Julia's face the entire time, she just loved it. She is taking after her mommy already, I was quite the roller skater back in the day ;-).

This was Julia for about 2 hours, only to take a break for pizza and cupcakes

On a break, pizza and cupcakes with cousin Ellie

Happy Birthday Kate!!

Is this music old school or what, this has to bring back memories...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pink Bike

Julia has had a new favorite pastime the past few weeks, riding her Big Wheel down the alley. There is a downward slope and since she can't quite reach the pedals the hill is perfect to get her going. Although, to get her back up the hill you have to push her all the way up and to go down you have to run beside her as a car can come around the corner and I want to be in front of her to make sure that she doesn't crash right into them. Anyway, quite a workout for mom and dad and a fun ride for Julia.....over and over and over. She asks to ride her pink bike no less than 50 times a day. Lately, I have gotten the neighbor girls to take her up and down :-), I think they are getting sick of it too though.

Coming up the hill.....

Julia is saying "moon", not "move" on her way down, she is obsessed with the moon

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pumpkin Picking

We chose one of the most beautiful days ever to go pumpkin picking! Julia had the best time, picking pumpkins, hay maze, pony rides, tractor rides, etc. She even got to wear her pumpkin hat; which she got so many compliments on the entire time she was there.

Family photo

"We're ready"...Julia's new saying

Julia found her "pumpkin"...the chosen one

pony rides

driving the tractor

Our pumpkins, taking them out to the car

Friday, October 10, 2008

Nothing exciting, just some pictures :-)

Julia is getting ready to be a big sister, she fully expects to put the real thing in the Bjorn, on her. But until her the baby comes she is satisfied with using her dolls.

We went to Salmon Days last weekend, only the parade. Julia LOVED it. She loved the motorcycles, the bands and the dancers. At everybody that went by she waved to and said hello to. She loved every minute of it. We left after the parade as it started to downpour.

We should be going pumpkin picking this weekend, so should have some fun pictures to post.

Waiting for the parade to start

Cousin Ellie waving, she was in the parade!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Football Sunday Overload

You know you have had too much football on TV when your daughter plays with playdo and makes a "helmet". I asked her what she was doing and she said, "Look, it looks like a football helmet". I guess I can see the hat and chinstrap :-).

Thursday, October 2, 2008

First Day of School!

Tuesday was Julia's first day of "school" for the year. Her school is 2 hours/week and I stay with her. She has a lot of fun playing with the dolls, playdo, arts, etc. We did the same thing last year and she looked forward to it every time we went. It is crazy to think that next year I will be leaving her, yikes! I keep thinking I am ready for it, but I know it will be so hard for me since I am with her 24/7 now. Our little girl is growing up.

heading out the door.......

outside the school with her friend Kayla