Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pink Bike

Julia has had a new favorite pastime the past few weeks, riding her Big Wheel down the alley. There is a downward slope and since she can't quite reach the pedals the hill is perfect to get her going. Although, to get her back up the hill you have to push her all the way up and to go down you have to run beside her as a car can come around the corner and I want to be in front of her to make sure that she doesn't crash right into them. Anyway, quite a workout for mom and dad and a fun ride for Julia.....over and over and over. She asks to ride her pink bike no less than 50 times a day. Lately, I have gotten the neighbor girls to take her up and down :-), I think they are getting sick of it too though.

Coming up the hill.....

Julia is saying "moon", not "move" on her way down, she is obsessed with the moon

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