Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Graduate

Yesterday Julia graduated from her toddler class (where we went one day a week for two hours, parents stayed). I can't believe that I actually have a preschooler now! There was a "ceremony" at a local park where the toddlers walked the bridge from toddler hood to preschool and received a certificate of completion. All Julia talks about now is how she is going to go to school without me next year. She is very excited to be a big girl, me, not so much ;-).

That's my girl!

Reese is so proud of her big sister ;-)
Walking the bridge

Cupcake time

The class, I guess I didn't change my setting to outside, a little bright

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

Congrats to Julia! I can't believe you will have a preschooler next year!