Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Amazing Day

As many of you know March 1 was the worst day of my life. My sister, Shannon, went into cardiac arrest. There were many miracles that, Danny, her husband, was there to start CPR immediately. Two, three firemen arrived on the scene minutes later and brought her back to life on the scene. I could go on forever about the next hours and days but I will keep it short. Today, Shannon was able to meet the three firemen who came to her house that dreadful day. It was nothing less than amazing to meet all of them and to hear them talk about that night. One of the firemen has been working for 16 years and this is the first person he has saved from cardiac arrest. Simply amazing. I always say that Shannon saw Grammie up in heaven and that she kicked her butt back to life because she wasn't done here yet. She is an amazing person with an amazing story and I am so thankful that she is here today.

The whole experience today was amazing (how many times can I use that word!). They were so happy to see her, everyone came to the celebration, there was the fire cheif and all. One of the firemen showed the kids around the station and loaded them up with goodies. They were so grateful to Shannon for getting together with them because they rarely get the end of the story once they leave the scene. These men risk their lives every day for us and they were thanking Shannon! They are so selfless.

Shannon brought a baked goods basket and my mom brought balloons
Shannon and one of her heros

The kids and Shannon got to go on a ride!

Shannon in the front seat

Shannon and her three heros

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cousin Fun

As all of you know Julia loves, loves, loves her cousins. She talks about them nonstop and looks up to each and every one of them. You can only imagine how much fun she had yesterday when my sisters, mom and I all got together.....

Reese and Aunt Jenny

Trampoline fun with Brady
Must climb up to slide down
Here I come......

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kirkland Concerts

Kirkland has a kids concert series every Wednesday in the summer, so some girls from my mom's group decided to go yesterday. It was such a gorgeous day.....the kids danced to the music and then played in the water the rest of the time. What a perfect outing!

Blake, Katrina, Kayla and Julia

Reese soaking it all in

Started off with shorts on, then went in just underwear

The Duck Whisperer
The crew: Conner, Julia and Kayla

Sneaky Girl

All this time I thought Julia was giving treats to Lucy. I let Julia take a treat out of the box for Lucy and then they run off and I continue to do what I was doing, ie cook dinner, etc. I don't really ever watch anymore to see Julia give physically give it to Lucy. Anyway, I was cleaning up the playroom the other day and found something surprising in her play kitchen.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Last week Julia went to the dentist for the first time. She did amazing, despite having the WORST tantrum ever at home right before. I knew better than to schedule this after her nap, but that is all they had open. Once we got there Julia was no less than perfect. She did everything they asked and even knew all the answers to their teeth questions. She let them clean her teeth and take x-rays. She was so excited for the goodie bag they gave her of floss, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and cool sunglasses....believe it or not, now every day she reminds me it is time to brush teeth! Way better experience than I ever imagined.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Growing Up

Reese can now play in her exersaucer! I can't believe that she is 4 months today, time has flown by. She is just like Julia was as a baby...easy going, mellow, lovable, giggly and just simply amazing!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday America

We had a wonderful 4th of July! Our neighborhood puts on a parade and then has a big party at the neighborhood parks. As you can see from below there is a lot to do.....pony rides, petting zoo, bouncy houses, train rides, etc. I didn't get a picture of Julia doing most of it because I was in the pony ride line for 1 hour (with the camera) while Jim and Julia played. Ah what we do for our children, stand in the blazing heat for 1 hour with a baby on you in the carrier. She did enjoy the pony ride at least ;-).

Fun stuff...

More fun activities

Ready to go to the parade

So ready for the parade, looking pretty cool!

In the parade

So worth standing in line to see her smile like this

Matching girls

Can you get any cuter than this?

Reese fell asleep the other day when I was holding her in my bed so I just laid her down there for a snooze under the fan. I just love sleeping babies so I had to take a picture. Man, she is getting big!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kelsey Creek Farm

Me and some girls from my mom's group decided to go to Kelsey Creek Farms the other day. I had the hardest time getting any decent pictures, below is the best I got.

There weren't many animals out to look at and pet, but Julia liked hanging with her buddies and looking at the sheep, goats, pig, cows, and chickens. There was a rooster wondering around the grounds but in true Julia fashion she chased it and one of the workers came out and took the rooster away. Doh!

Looking at the goats

Could not get a smile to save my life

Horses...again, could not get a smile on camera

Julia is mad at me....

Julia was upset about me for something (what's new huh?), I can't even remember what it was now but she went outside for some alone time. She sat here just like this for about 5 minutes. I couldn't stop laughing though because she was in the lion costume.....this is not the same day the other pictures were taken, she wears this quite often. I only wonder what she was thinking the whole time.....