Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Amazing Day

As many of you know March 1 was the worst day of my life. My sister, Shannon, went into cardiac arrest. There were many miracles that, Danny, her husband, was there to start CPR immediately. Two, three firemen arrived on the scene minutes later and brought her back to life on the scene. I could go on forever about the next hours and days but I will keep it short. Today, Shannon was able to meet the three firemen who came to her house that dreadful day. It was nothing less than amazing to meet all of them and to hear them talk about that night. One of the firemen has been working for 16 years and this is the first person he has saved from cardiac arrest. Simply amazing. I always say that Shannon saw Grammie up in heaven and that she kicked her butt back to life because she wasn't done here yet. She is an amazing person with an amazing story and I am so thankful that she is here today.

The whole experience today was amazing (how many times can I use that word!). They were so happy to see her, everyone came to the celebration, there was the fire cheif and all. One of the firemen showed the kids around the station and loaded them up with goodies. They were so grateful to Shannon for getting together with them because they rarely get the end of the story once they leave the scene. These men risk their lives every day for us and they were thanking Shannon! They are so selfless.

Shannon brought a baked goods basket and my mom brought balloons
Shannon and one of her heros

The kids and Shannon got to go on a ride!

Shannon in the front seat

Shannon and her three heros

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

That is awesome that she got to meet them.