Monday, November 23, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Julia has been taking swimming lessons for about 2 months now. This is the first official lesson she has taken. The other classes were just more getting her familiar with the water, but now she is learning all the basics. So for Julia, she is coming a long way since just this summer she wouldn't put her head under the water or swim without a life jacket. Don't get me wrong, she LOVES the water and always has, but just never knew how to swim. So now we are being a bit more proactive and getting her swimming so next summer she will be able to keep up with her cousins in the pool :-).

Yes, she is in an outside pool in November! And yes, it is more of an over sized hot tub, but she is learning to swim none the less!

Julia and her buddy, Logan

Blowing bubbles

Head under water
The best part of this video is the end. For those of you that know Julia well know that she is ALWAYS hungry. Everywhere I go I bring a big bag of food with me as she eats all day long. The girl seriously has a hallow leg, no joke.

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

In the first shot
i thought she was in an inflatable pool.