Thursday, December 10, 2009

Santa comes early

We had two holiday parties this past weekend and Julia loved seeing Santa! She is in Christmas spirit overload but it is so fun! To see the smiles and the magic, man I love this time of year!!!!!

The Yoders Holiday Party, Santa made an appearance

Loves Santa

Reese is oblivious to it all

The Carlsen Holiday party, Jim and Julia singing carols

Part of the Carlsen Clan, singing carols (Grammie would be so proud to see us all together, I miss you so much Grammie!!!)

Julia opening her present from Santa, a Barbie!!!!

Picture with Opa, I mean Santa

Reese loves her Daddy!

Longer video but worth watching. My cousins little boy, Blake, is quite the dancer. He was dancing even more at the very end after my sister, Kim, taught him even more moves (the sprinkler....)...although my camera was already packed away in the car, bummer, it was quite the scene.

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

I was wondering if kids at Julia's age would recognize a grandpa or uncle dressed up at Santa. I guess not. Good! I think I am going to buy a Santa suit!