Monday, August 16, 2010


With the weather being so hot we took advantage of the water this weekend. We packed everything we could into one tiny weekend, and boy are we tired. It was so much fun though and the girls had a blast. Saturday we headed to my moms for the day on Lake Washington. We rushed home so that Jim and Julia could go to the Seahawks game that night (no pictures of that as I forgot to have Jim take the camera). On Sunday we headed to Grammie's beach (Hood Canal)! All of my sister's were there and some of their friends also. We took Julia's friend, Logan, with us. It was so much fun to have him come along!

All the party boats out front of my moms

Jim with Julia, Cameron and Brady (Lucy tagging along)
Boat ride (I stayed back with Reese)

Cousins (Julia, Ellie, Brady and Cameron)

Lucy LOVES the water (she has not moved since Sunday night after being in the water all weekend!)

Julia fell in the water after a big wave hit her on the steps. She was NOT happy, but aren't we nice parents by laughing and taking pictures?!

Reese loves the water also

Hood Canal (Lucy, Jim, Logan and Julia)

Cousins, uncles and dogs on the raft
Julia and Logan, finding crabs, shells and whatever else on the beach

Painting their shells

Reese being Reese, just silly!

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

We need to hook up at the cabin sometime!