Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of the Last Year........

Our little girl started her last year of preschool this year. I think I am more emotional this year than last, not sure why. I guess because she really does seem older this year and way more independent! She was so excited to see her teachers and friends. She asked me on the drive to school if I would be sad while she was gone. I said yes, but more a feeling of excitement that she gets this opportunity. She is in an awesome school with some of her closest friends; what could be better to a 4 year old girl!

First day!

She wanted her shoes in the picture!

Outside of school

Ready for the big day!

Putting her name on the board

Already playing with friends, this was about 30 seconds into it!

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

I can't believe she will be in kindergarten next year! Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry! :)