Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Peps Halloween

Yesterday was our 5th Peps Halloween! Wow, writing that I realize how fast time gets away from me. It was fun, as always, to see the kids dressed up and super excited (to say the least) for Halloween.

My little bug, ladybug that is

Goofy girls (Kayla (ballerina), Julia (little red riding hood), Grace (Raggedy Anne) and Reese, looking confused about it all)

Snack time

Brooke getting them to all sit still for about 5 minutes for a game! That has to be a record of some sort.

The gang, minus a few kids who were wondering about

The whole gang

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

We went to our neighbors house Saturday night for some dinner and pumpkin carving. Thanks Pederson's for a fun night!!

Julia and Lauren being goofy

Lets get started....

The girls designing their pumpkins

Finished product

Reese trying so hard to carve her pumpkin.....

Friday, October 15, 2010

Camp Korey

Yesterday Julia's preschool headed to Camp Korey in Carnation for their farm field trip. Not only was this such a beautiful farm, but it is one of the most amazing farms. If you would like to know why, click on the link. And in all that is going on lately in my life, it was needed, really needed to be some place filled with such love, beauty and support for children in need. Did not mean to get sidetracked.......Julia and her buddies had a great time running around, going on a hayride, picking pumpkins, reading stories and eating smores! Could not imagine a better morning to lift my spirits again.

pat-a-cake with friends

Julia loves her buddies!

looking for the perfect pumpkin

I think I found it, better run before someone else snatches it!

Got it!

Julia and her perfect pumpkin

Reese came along too!

Tractor pose

Reese and her buddy, Luke

Campfire for stories and smores


Reese loved them also....

Kidz Bounce

Last weekend our good friend, Blake, turned 2! What better way to celebrate than at Kidz Bounce!!

My "baby"

Julia in pink, going up to the slide

and what goes up, must come down

Jayden and Julia
Reese having so much fun!

Reese and her first taste of juice, pounded in about 1 minute

Reese and dad on the slide

Kayla and Julia

Birthday Boy, Happy 2nd Birthday Blake!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Remlinger Farms

Yesterday was the annual Snoqualmie Ridge Pumpkin Festival at Remlinger Farms. There is a BBQ, you get to pick out a pumpkin for each member of the family and of course you get to ride all the rides you can fit in while you are there. Reese and Julia absolutely love this place, so we signed up to go, even though we knew it would most likely rain.....and it did. But much fun was had, even if it rained almost the whole time we were there!!

Daddy and Julia

Reese and I just finished the pumpkin ride, now she is ready for a snack.

You can almost see Julia in there

Such big girls to do this all by themselves


Daddy and Reese now.....

Julia and her buddy, Grace

Train Ride, Reese, Julia and Grace


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Salmon Days!

Another fun weekend at Issaquah Salmon Days! I have been going since I was a little girl, so it is always fun to go back and see familiar faces and have our kids enjoy it just as much as I did. We had a busy and packed weekend, but it was a lot of fun. We also managed to squeeze in a date night swap and I hiked Little Si with my trusty pal Lucy on Saturday afternoon :-). Perfect weekend!

Face painting: "party gras"

About to look in the mirror.......

And she likes it!!!

Reese's turn

And she likes it too! She got a flower.

Daddy and his pretty girls

Parade Time: Green Family (Logan is in the stroller behind them)

We ran into the Walter's family right before the parade and crashed with them :-)

Ellie in the parade (Girl Scouts....you can barely see Shannon, she is hiding)

Train Ride

Human Hampster Roll (best dad of the year award, he waited in line FOREVER for this).
Julia was too small to roll it herself so Jim had to push her around in it.

Salmon Days 1k Kids Run (Cameron, Julia and Ellie)

Reese pushing her stroller, maybe she will do the run next year.....

Grace, Julia and Jayden (some of her best buddies)

Start of the run, Jim and Julia are by the girl on her dads shoulders
Julia and Grace at the finish line, way to go girls, they ran the whole way again (just like their last race)!
Ellie and Cameron at the finish line, they ran so fast and it shows!
Julia's "medal"
What track stars these three are!