Sunday, October 3, 2010

Salmon Days!

Another fun weekend at Issaquah Salmon Days! I have been going since I was a little girl, so it is always fun to go back and see familiar faces and have our kids enjoy it just as much as I did. We had a busy and packed weekend, but it was a lot of fun. We also managed to squeeze in a date night swap and I hiked Little Si with my trusty pal Lucy on Saturday afternoon :-). Perfect weekend!

Face painting: "party gras"

About to look in the mirror.......

And she likes it!!!

Reese's turn

And she likes it too! She got a flower.

Daddy and his pretty girls

Parade Time: Green Family (Logan is in the stroller behind them)

We ran into the Walter's family right before the parade and crashed with them :-)

Ellie in the parade (Girl can barely see Shannon, she is hiding)

Train Ride

Human Hampster Roll (best dad of the year award, he waited in line FOREVER for this).
Julia was too small to roll it herself so Jim had to push her around in it.

Salmon Days 1k Kids Run (Cameron, Julia and Ellie)

Reese pushing her stroller, maybe she will do the run next year.....

Grace, Julia and Jayden (some of her best buddies)

Start of the run, Jim and Julia are by the girl on her dads shoulders
Julia and Grace at the finish line, way to go girls, they ran the whole way again (just like their last race)!
Ellie and Cameron at the finish line, they ran so fast and it shows!
Julia's "medal"
What track stars these three are!

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