Friday, July 29, 2011

Sprinkler Fun

The girls had so much fun in the sprinkler with our neighbor, Lauren. And yes, my girls are wearing their goggles. Reese is in love with her new swim goggles, she wears them whenever we are home :-).

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cameron's 8th Birthday Party

My nephew, Cameron, had his 8th birthday party at the Family Fun Center in Tukwila. We have never been before and the girls loved it! They were running hard for 3 straight hours of fun. Because my girls were much younger than most there we were off doing our own thing, thus why there are no pictures of the birthday boy and everyone else!

Julia was tall enough to do the bumper boats by herself!

Mya squirting me and Reese

Despite the look on her face Reese did like the slide

Reese's favorite ride

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No Training Wheels!

Julia is officially done with training wheels! She asked Jim to take her training wheels off her bike about two weeks ago and off she went (she knew not to ask me because I was nervous to take them off)! I could not believe how quick she picked it up.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

NW Trek

We had an open house a little over a week ago and we thought a great way to get out of the house all day would be to go to NW Trek. We have been meaning to go for some time now, just never seemed to find the time. Now we were forced to :-). Our good friends, the Helman's, ended up coming with us at the last minute and all the kids had a blast! They loved seeing all the animals so close.

No amimals, just a view of the property

Strike a pose! There are owls behind them, but cannot see them here....

Ellie's Horse Show

The other weekend the girls and I went to Ellie's horse show. She did such a great job! She was in 4 classes all together and we missed the first one because it was at 8am in Woodinville, no chance of making that! We missed the second class by seconds because we got lost but we made the last two classes :-). The girls were very impressed to see Ellie ride and handle such a big horse.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Chapter

Jim and I thought that having a 3rd baby in 5 months wasn't going to keep us busy enough, so we have now decided to move! It is official, our house is on the market. It is with mixed emotions for sure. We love our house, our neighbors, being walking distance to all the shops, but with a growing family we just need more space, both inside and out. We are going to stay on the Ridge, just have not found "the house" yet. We will know it when we see it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July

After the parade and party in our neighborhood we headed to Kirkland to my moms house. The girls had a blast swimming, boating and playing with their cousins. What a fun 4th!!!!

Swimming in the neighbors pool

Getting ready for the boat ride

Dad and his girls. Mom got to stay back and have a 1/2 hour with no kids soaking up the beautiful day!

Reese's first boat ride

Have fun!

Ridge 4th of July

The Ridge put on yet another fun 4th of July parade and party. This year was a bit more crowded than usual as the weather was gorgeous! The girls had so much fun.....parade, bounce houses, pony rides, train rides, sno cones, pizza, music, friends and much more! What is not to love! The 4th is one of our favorite days of the year. After the Ridge party we headed to my mom's for more fun in the sun.

Ready for the parade!

A rare shot of mom with her girls (they were trying to show off their tatoos they just got)

Waiting for the parade to start. Reese did have her scooter but ended up in dad's arms for the parade.

Some of the peps gang

Julia and Jayden

Train ride

Face Painting

Arm Painting

Pony Rides