Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ridge 4th of July

The Ridge put on yet another fun 4th of July parade and party. This year was a bit more crowded than usual as the weather was gorgeous! The girls had so much fun.....parade, bounce houses, pony rides, train rides, sno cones, pizza, music, friends and much more! What is not to love! The 4th is one of our favorite days of the year. After the Ridge party we headed to my mom's for more fun in the sun.

Ready for the parade!

A rare shot of mom with her girls (they were trying to show off their tatoos they just got)

Waiting for the parade to start. Reese did have her scooter but ended up in dad's arms for the parade.

Some of the peps gang

Julia and Jayden

Train ride

Face Painting

Arm Painting

Pony Rides

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