Monday, January 30, 2012

Random Cuteness

Just some random pictures of my three adorable girls :-).Leah is about 3 weeks old here.  

Christmas Eve

Christmas was crazy this year.  We just moved, had a newborn, had tons of family events plus we hosted the Stanley's on Christmas day.  We had a wonderful time but honestly, am glad December is over!!!  The girls had a blast every second of it.  It was so crazy, I only took my camera out on Christmas Eve, I completely forgot to take one single picture of Christmas day, oops!

Girl Cousins watching The Grinch

Mia and Leah.  Mia is my step-brother's, Todd, daughter.  

All the grandchildren caroling

 Present time!

Snowflake Lane

Each year my sisters and I meet for Santa pictures at the mall, have dinner at Red Robin and then go to Snowflake Lane. The cousins love it and it is turning into one of my favorite holiday traditions!

Watching the "snow" come down
Despite their faces, they are having fun!
Little Leah slept through it all

Carlsen Christmas

The Carlsen Christmas was as fun as ever this year :-). We visited with family, sang songs and even had a visit from Santa! Leah had her first ferry ride also, but no pictures of that....

Reese having fun, she would not sit with Santa at this party
Leah's first Santa visit
Julia and Santa
All the 2nd cousins

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Holds

Julia and Reese LOVE to hold Leah. Julia can hold her for hours and Reese for about 2 minutes, but she still loves it. Below are pictures of the first time they each held her, at home.

First Bath

Leah was not a huge fan of her first bath. Despite the pictures below she does not like bath time. Although she is getting better and better. She does not cry in the bath now, just after when we are drying off and putting lotion on. Understandable, it does get cold.

Leah's Visitors

Leah had plenty of visitors in the hospital! All of the cousins came also, but I thought the # of pictures would be overkill :-). She is loved by her family and friends! There are a few friends that I must have forgot to take a picture of when they came to the hospital.....sorry friends.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


The girls meeting Leah for the first time. They absolutely LOVE having a baby sister and they both do so well with her. We are going to have so much fun with 3 girls! Daddy, get your gun out for the teenage years :-).

Leah's Birthday, Welcome Sweet One!

There are hardly any pictures of Jim and I with Leah, I think we were in too much shock to think straight and get the pictures we wanted!

Cousins Visit

Arundhati, Julia and Reese

Erin was in town early December with her two girls. They came up to visit us in the new house and to let the cousins play around for a few hours. The girls had so much fun. Solana, Erin's youngest, would not get in the pictures.

Tree Lighting

I promise they were having fun!
Wow! Look how big my belly was! Yikes, that just looks painful.

In December we went to the annual tree lighting festival in downtown Snoqualmie. The pictures here were from a hayride we went on. The girls enjoyed the horses, cookies and cider :-).

Dance Recital

Reese had her first dance recital back in December. She was a bit nervous at first, but once she got on stage she was a STAR! It made me cry she was so darn cute!

First Haircut

Reese had her first haircut, in November!!! I need to start catching up somewhere :-). She has lost some of her curl, but hoping it sticks around...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome Leah Mary!

I know Leah is now 4 weeks old, but honestly, I have not had time to update the blog. I want to upload all my pictures taken thus far and post more, but that will come in the next few days. Leah is such a blessing to our family, we are complete. I never imagined I would have 3 girls, but feel so blessed by everything I have. Leah is very easy going and her sisters ADORE her. It is so cute to see! Julia is such a little mommy. She can hold Leah for hours. Reese holds her for about 1 minute and is done, but she is a helper also. She helps by getting her clothes, diapers or anything else I need.

Leah was born on 12/7, 2:22am, 9lbs 13oz, 20 inches. Most of you already know the birth story, but for those who don't......I was having mild contractions the night of 12/6, shortly before midnight. I took a shower thinking this was it and then after my shower I call the hospital. My contractions were not bad at all, but I knew my body and knew I was in labor. They asked if I had felt the baby move since the contractions started and I said no. They were alarmed and told me to come in right away. I was not alarmed at all by not feeling the baby move, it was only like an hour or so. Anyway, I called my sister, Kim, to come on over to stay the night with Julia and Reese. After I hung up the phone I went to wake up Jim. Then the contractions started and were no joke. They were non-stop and painful! Jim knew the seriousness of it, so when my sister was close enough we left! We passed her in the neighborhood. Jim drove about 90 - 100 mph the entire way to Overlake. We called them on our way and they met us in the parking garage with a wheel chair, there was absolutely no way I could stand up without having a baby. I was literally holding the baby in the whole drive and having non-stop contractions. We got to the hospital, wheeled me to my room and about 2 minutes later we met our beautiful baby. I was not surprised that it was a girl, it felt right :-).