Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome Leah Mary!

I know Leah is now 4 weeks old, but honestly, I have not had time to update the blog. I want to upload all my pictures taken thus far and post more, but that will come in the next few days. Leah is such a blessing to our family, we are complete. I never imagined I would have 3 girls, but feel so blessed by everything I have. Leah is very easy going and her sisters ADORE her. It is so cute to see! Julia is such a little mommy. She can hold Leah for hours. Reese holds her for about 1 minute and is done, but she is a helper also. She helps by getting her clothes, diapers or anything else I need.

Leah was born on 12/7, 2:22am, 9lbs 13oz, 20 inches. Most of you already know the birth story, but for those who don't......I was having mild contractions the night of 12/6, shortly before midnight. I took a shower thinking this was it and then after my shower I call the hospital. My contractions were not bad at all, but I knew my body and knew I was in labor. They asked if I had felt the baby move since the contractions started and I said no. They were alarmed and told me to come in right away. I was not alarmed at all by not feeling the baby move, it was only like an hour or so. Anyway, I called my sister, Kim, to come on over to stay the night with Julia and Reese. After I hung up the phone I went to wake up Jim. Then the contractions started and were no joke. They were non-stop and painful! Jim knew the seriousness of it, so when my sister was close enough we left! We passed her in the neighborhood. Jim drove about 90 - 100 mph the entire way to Overlake. We called them on our way and they met us in the parking garage with a wheel chair, there was absolutely no way I could stand up without having a baby. I was literally holding the baby in the whole drive and having non-stop contractions. We got to the hospital, wheeled me to my room and about 2 minutes later we met our beautiful baby. I was not surprised that it was a girl, it felt right :-).

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