Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Julia had a great Easter. She was really into finding eggs, especially those with candy in them. We started off our Easter celebration with our playgroup on Friday and they had an egg hunt there. It was so cute to watch them all and how excited and proud they were that they got some eggs. Julia would get one and shake it to see if something was in there, and if there was she would open it up before she would go to any other eggs. Then on Saturday Jim and I had our egg hunt here at the house. She again would open the egg before she would find another one. She loved her Easter basket; which was filled with Sesame Street characters. She is very into Sesema Street due to her collection of SS books. Then we headed off to a big Easter egg hunt in downtown Snoqualmie (pictures below). It was very windy so Julia was pretty cold but bucked up and participated in the egg hunt. It was insane how many people were there, but it was broken up into sections by age so it was well organized and Julia didn't have to compete with 10 year olds for eggs. Saturday afternoon we headed to Opa and Nana's house at Vashon Island and stayed the night. We didn't get to play on the beach too much as all of Sunday it was raining, but Saturday afternoon Julia was walking up and down the beach and throwing balls for Lucy. Lucy played so hard she couldn't even get into the car on Sunday to come home, she was too sore so I had to pick her up to get in the car. Sunday all of Julia's cousins came out to the beach and she got to run around and play with them for hours. Although she did nap through the Easter egg hunt, but that is OK, she already had 3 and enough candy. Anyway, it was a great weekend and a nice little getaway!

Julia with her friend's Logan and Kayla

Look how many eggs I got!!

Shaking my egg for signs of candy.......

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Take it off baby!

Julia is in a new phase of taking off her pants, pretty much wherever we are. As long as it doesn't last into her teens I am OK with it ;-). If she could take her shirt off herself I know she would be completely naked, but she has not yet mastered the tops, just the bottoms. We were at our play group on Friday and she walked through the door to see all of her friends and right away she stripped down, she had to get comftorable and pants must be so constricting. She continued to play the rest of the time with no pants and her friends shoes on, that were 8 1/2 double wide (which she is a 5). She knows how to pull an outfit together. Yesterday she found a feather clip that we randomly had. She wore that all day long, with only her shirt, of coarse. Now she won't put any other clip in her hair. When I try, she will pull it out and say "bye-bye" and ask for "feather". I'm not sure why we even bother buying cute things for Julia, she just takes them off and puts on the most random thing she can find and is as happy as can be.

Julia's favorite outfit, a shirt
"Blueberries are my favorite!"

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Some recent pictures of Julia

I thought I would upload some of the most recent pictures of the family to get us started, enjoy......

Happy 30th Birthday Daddy (Julia even decorated the cake)!!!!!!
Happy New Years!

Rooting for the Seahawks (daddy did my hair this day ;-)) My first snowman, that Lucy ate

Julia's first outing to Snoqualmie Falls (we need to get out more)

LOVES the "ducky" pond

First, of many, aquarium visit. Julia's favorite were the sea horses and the otters

Goodbye for now.....

My first blog - and feeling old and out of touch!

I have never posted a blog before, so I am feeling like a huge geek right now. Anyway, I thought I would start a little website for our family and post pictures, stories, etc from time to time. I am really, really bad at sending pictures out so I am hoping this helps all of you. Julia is growing up so fast and we don't see everyone as often as we like, so hopefully this will help keep us all a little more connected.

Stefanie (and Jim and Julia)