Sunday, March 16, 2008

Take it off baby!

Julia is in a new phase of taking off her pants, pretty much wherever we are. As long as it doesn't last into her teens I am OK with it ;-). If she could take her shirt off herself I know she would be completely naked, but she has not yet mastered the tops, just the bottoms. We were at our play group on Friday and she walked through the door to see all of her friends and right away she stripped down, she had to get comftorable and pants must be so constricting. She continued to play the rest of the time with no pants and her friends shoes on, that were 8 1/2 double wide (which she is a 5). She knows how to pull an outfit together. Yesterday she found a feather clip that we randomly had. She wore that all day long, with only her shirt, of coarse. Now she won't put any other clip in her hair. When I try, she will pull it out and say "bye-bye" and ask for "feather". I'm not sure why we even bother buying cute things for Julia, she just takes them off and puts on the most random thing she can find and is as happy as can be.

Julia's favorite outfit, a shirt
"Blueberries are my favorite!"

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