Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My first blog - and feeling old and out of touch!

I have never posted a blog before, so I am feeling like a huge geek right now. Anyway, I thought I would start a little website for our family and post pictures, stories, etc from time to time. I am really, really bad at sending pictures out so I am hoping this helps all of you. Julia is growing up so fast and we don't see everyone as often as we like, so hopefully this will help keep us all a little more connected.

Stefanie (and Jim and Julia)


Stanley/Yellow Bird family said...

Great idea Stefanie!! It looks good.

Give my niece a big kiss from Michael, Arundhati and I.


Auntie Erin

Unknown said...

You are not a geek. And that is a sharp looking kid and a fine looking dog!

--Ryan & Heather

Unknown said...

Good job Stef. Man, Julia is so freakin' cute it's disgusting:). Miss you guys,
Christa (and the Joe-meister)