Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick-or-Treat, Pull Down My Underwear

Julia was a little confused on how the trick-or-treat song went, so she spent the day singing, "trick-or-treat, pull down my underwear". Lovely, huh? She thought she was hilarious, so did I. I don't think that Christmas will be able to top Halloween on Julia's fun factor. She had so much fun the entire day, except bedtime. From the moment she opened her eyes, she was in her Halloween costume, a butterfly. We spent the morning around the house and then went to our playgroup, where all the kids dressed up. Julia loved seeing all of the other cute costumes that her friends were wearing. After nap we hung out some more around the house as it was still raining. It miraculously cleared up right at trick-or-treating time. We only went to about 5 houses, but each one gave us hand fulls of candy as they all knew us. Julia did well saying trick-or-treat and thank you. She did not want to come home at all. We knew that she would enjoy opening the door for all of the trick-or-treaters that we get, so we had her do that. Our neighbor and her 5 year old daughter came over to trick-or-treat and ended up staying :-). Lauren and Julia just wanted to play and answer the door, so they had a lot of fun doing that. When I took Julia to bath time she heard the doorbell ring and started balling, she just wanted to see the costumes. She is already talking about how next year she is going to be a kitty cat, we will see if that holds up......

A Beautiful Butterfly

Playgroup, this is the best picture I could get of all of them...

Off we go down the street to trick-or-treat

Julia was mesmerized by all the candy!

At the Ooymans....

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

So cute. I love her costume.