Monday, November 24, 2008

Recent Pictures

I thought I would post some recent pictures of Julia. Not much going on here except Julia is very excited about Christmas (just the idea of it, she has no idea she gets presents....that will be a big bonus when she finds that out). I was trying to prep her on taking her picture with Santa, as last year she cried, and I think I started prepping her a little too early. We are going on 12/1 with my sisters and their kids/spouses to get Santa pictures and since last night that I told her we were going she has asked about every ten minutes if she can go and sit on Santa's lap yet. She is reading all her Christmas books and loves to dance to Christmas, the next month is going to be VERY long.

Our two princesses

I LOVE ice cream!!!!!

Julia and a friend disappeared during our moms group and were reading books with no shirts on :-)

can't really tell, but this is Julia's fat lip which she got from tripping :-(
Bath her baby tub (that she hated as a baby and now has found it and loves it!)

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