Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The holidays are here!!!!!

This has got to be my favorite time of year :-). You just can't help but to be in a good mood around the holidays. We started off the season at my sisters for Thanksgiving. There were 16 adults and 12 kids this year, yikes! Julia had so much fun playing with her cousins. Then on Friday we headed down to Olympia to spend some time with Jim's family, and once again, Julia had so much fun playing with her cousins. Over the weekend we got our Christmas tree. In true Washington fashion, it was raining. Still fun, but a quick trip to the u-cut tree farm. We decorated our house on Sunday and Julia is in love with Christmas lights, advent calendars, stockings, etc. She begs to turn on the lights at all hours during the day. Anyway, we are loving the holidays here and can't wait to do our yearly traditions. Hope everyone is doing well.

Playing on Thanksgiving with Kate and Ellie

Tree farm: Fletcher, Lisa and Blake Ooyman

Tree farm: Julia sized tree

Tree farm: the chosen tree :-)

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