Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Play

Julia went to her first Christmas play over the weekend. We went and saw a children's production of 'Twas the Night with all of her cousins. As you can see from the pictures she had a great time. The play was about 1 1/2 hours (with an intermission) and she sat still through the whole thing and stayed quiet. As a matter of fact all the kids did amazing and loved the play. She got so excited when Rudolph and Santa came on stage. She was in awe pretty much the whole time. She also got Santa pictures taken on Monday, although I forgot my camera. She didn't cry and I think they got a picture of a non-fake smile, something I cannot achieve lately! Then we went to Snowflake Lane at the mall and Julia got to see the drummer boys, Rudolph, penguins, polar bears and princess'. Once again, she was in awe and had a great time.

As I am writing this it is snowing outside, I can't wait for Julia to wake up so we can go play! I already took Lucy out in the snow this AM and she ran around for about an hour in it. Should be a fun day in the snow!

Branden, Brady, Jakob and Julia (the boys are doing "peace" but Julia is saying she is 2)

Julia has an audience

Mya and Ellie

Cameron and Wyatt

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