Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blue Dog Farms

Today Julia went on her school field trip to Blue Dog Farms in Carnation. There they had turkeys, cows, chickens and pumpkins to look at. We decided to carpool with some friends as parking was limited and I think this was Julia's favorite part. She rarely has friends ride in her car and let alone sit right by them (literally their car seats were touching in the 3rd row). When we dropped Kayla off at her house on the way home Julia got so sad. She kept asking for Kayla to come back in the car. When I ask her about the farm, her favorite part was riding in the car with Kayla. I don't know how I didn't get a picture of them in there. Anyway, I did get plenty of other pictures!!!

Organic Eggs (Julia is the one decked out in the hat and coat)
Chicken feed, they all got to feed the chickens some corn

Snack/Story Time

Petting Thanksgiving dinner

Pumpkin Picking, could not get a smile!

"Cinnamon" the cow, I don't think he was too happy here

Petting the chicken

Feeding the chickens, although I think Julia was trying to catch them like Farmer Scott

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