Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Part I and II

Part I
Our neighborhood puts on a Pumpkin Patch Party at Remlinger Farms each year....the good part, you get in for a lot cheaper than normal.....the bad part, the day is predetermined. We opted to go this year but unfortunately it was the rainiest day of the fall thus far! So I literally only have two pictures from that day. It rained when we got our pumpkin and ate (no big deal as it was covered) and then it stopped raining while we did rides for an hour or two but I was convinced it was going to downpour again so I left my camera in the car :-(. Oh well, lesson learned.

And I wonder where Julia gets it from.....

Part II
We had our annual PEPS (moms group) party this morning. Not many kids where there due to illness and such but we tried to round up the few that made it for some pictures.

Julia is the fairy on the end, Reese was out of her costume at this point

Ballerina, Tinkerbell and a Fairy, how cute are they?!

Reese (lovebug outfit....or at least that is what we are calling it. Julia picked it out) and her two pirate buddies

Got one with the hat!!!!

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

We must have just missed you! We went today.