Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Part III

I volunteered to make cookies to decorate for Julia's party at preschool. Julia and I made the batter before Reese got up but we had to let the dough chill and I wasn't sure how to occupy two kids while I rolled out the dough, cut them and cooked them. Good thing Julia is always there to help! Too bad the cookies didn't turn out quite as well :-(

making the cookies

favorite part, licking the spoon
Julia occupying Reese by feeding her cheese and puffs, they did this for 1/2 hour! I truly lucked out
Reese is so happy to have big sister paying attention to her

Cookies before the oven, witch hats

After baking, no longer look like witch hats, oops!

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

I am sure the kids loved decorating anything!