Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First Heartbreak, kind of ;-)

I don't think I have ever mentioned how much Julia talks about her friend Sterling from school. Most everyday his name comes up somehow. When she plays Duck, Duck, Goose at school, she always says Sterling is her Goose. So last Thursday Julia came home from school and made 3 pictures for her "friend" Sterling. She then took the 3 pictures, put them in an envelope, asked me how to spell Sterling and wrote his name on the envelope. I had zero part of this (except the spelling). She then licked the envelope, sealed it and put it in her backpack to give to Sterling on the following school day (yesterday, Tuesday). When I went to pick Julia up from school I asked Sterling if he received his envelope......"Yep, it is in the garbage" he replies directly with a smile. I asked why he threw them away and he said, "I already looked at the pictures". Typical guy I guess ;-)....look at it and throw it away. Anyway, I couldn't help but feel a little sad for sweet little Julia.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Everett Children's Museum

Some of the girls from my moms group hauled their kids up to Everett during Spring Break to go to the Children's Museum. It was so much fun and such a great place. There was so much there to see and honestly my pictures do no justice. I loaded up the double stroller with all my crap for the day and headed into the museum only to find out strollers are not allowed. So, I had to carry Reese and all my stuff while trying to take pictures. So needless to say they are not very good :-). Anyway, the girls had a wonderful time, we highly recommend the trip north.

Reese in the tunnel on the rooftop playgroup

Music corner on the rooftop playground

rooftop playground

Dinosaurs (was so much better than this picture, wish I got the whole dinosaur area)

Farm area


Learning to milk a cow


Barber Shop Haircut

Reese is trying so hard to play too

Our American Girl!

Ellie, my neice, was in the American Girl Fashion Show last weekend. We could not be more proud of her. She was so confident, even with the huge audience! I took Mya and Julia to see their cousin at the show and it was such a fun girl's outing. We love you Ellie.

The girls and their dolls, thanks Mya for letting Julia borrow your doll and matching outfit!

Cute Cousins

Ellie (2nd from right)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter weekend was a blast! We had lots of fun with our family (both little and big).
Dying Easter eggs

Always striking a pose....

Snoqualmie egg hunt

Lots of eggs!

egg hunt at our house Easter morning, Reese was very quick to catch on they had candy in them!

Nana and Opa's (missing Jack, Kate and Max)

Reese LOVES her daddy!

Egg hunt at Nana and Opa's

The Stanley's