Thursday, April 22, 2010

Everett Children's Museum

Some of the girls from my moms group hauled their kids up to Everett during Spring Break to go to the Children's Museum. It was so much fun and such a great place. There was so much there to see and honestly my pictures do no justice. I loaded up the double stroller with all my crap for the day and headed into the museum only to find out strollers are not allowed. So, I had to carry Reese and all my stuff while trying to take pictures. So needless to say they are not very good :-). Anyway, the girls had a wonderful time, we highly recommend the trip north.

Reese in the tunnel on the rooftop playgroup

Music corner on the rooftop playground

rooftop playground

Dinosaurs (was so much better than this picture, wish I got the whole dinosaur area)

Farm area


Learning to milk a cow


Barber Shop Haircut

Reese is trying so hard to play too

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

My cousin and her daughter live in Everett, so I have been there. IT is a kick ass children's museum. Tacoma's sucks.