Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First Heartbreak, kind of ;-)

I don't think I have ever mentioned how much Julia talks about her friend Sterling from school. Most everyday his name comes up somehow. When she plays Duck, Duck, Goose at school, she always says Sterling is her Goose. So last Thursday Julia came home from school and made 3 pictures for her "friend" Sterling. She then took the 3 pictures, put them in an envelope, asked me how to spell Sterling and wrote his name on the envelope. I had zero part of this (except the spelling). She then licked the envelope, sealed it and put it in her backpack to give to Sterling on the following school day (yesterday, Tuesday). When I went to pick Julia up from school I asked Sterling if he received his envelope......"Yep, it is in the garbage" he replies directly with a smile. I asked why he threw them away and he said, "I already looked at the pictures". Typical guy I guess ;-)....look at it and throw it away. Anyway, I couldn't help but feel a little sad for sweet little Julia.

1 comment:

Beth Zarling said...

Maybe you'll get lucky and this will put her off boys for 15 years!