Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our Little Jailbird

Julia had her first dance recital Tuesday evening. To say she was excited is a complete understatement. I think all the classes her age had tutu's and cute pink/purple (girly) costumes and Julia's class wore jailbird costumes (danced to Jailhous Rock). But this is totally fitting for Julia as she is our rambunctious, hyper little girl. She didn't even miss the tutu, she LOVED her costume. It was so much fun to see her having such a great time.

Waiting in line for picture's

Walking to the big night!

Ballet pose in her tap clothes :-)

Proud Daddy!

Proud Mommy!


After Recital: the cheering crowd (honestly Reese did amazing the whole night, this was her first cry, and rightfully so, it was 1.5 hours past her bedtime by this point)

Opa, Julia and Nana

Julia, Aunt Shannon and Ellie

Flowers from her fans! She LOVES them!

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