Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Remlinger Farms

Yesterday started out as a simple berry picking trip at Remlinger, 5 hours later I was home. My sister and I met to pick berries and were not going to the actual park at Remlinger, but then ended up going at the last minute. Well, I didn't have an extra diaper (1 only in my bag), much food or a STROLLER. But I thought I would wing it anyway, we were there right? If you know me well, you know that I am prepared in advance for anything, so this was very un-Stefanie like. The no stroller part is what absolutely killed me. I carried Reese (25 pounds now) around in my arms or on my back for 4 hours. I knew it wore me out but not fully until I woke up this morning, ouch. My back was so stiff it took a couple tries to maneuver myself out of bed. But it was so much fun! The kids loved it and that makes it all worth while.

Raspberry picking

Reese had fun too. I would pick a raspberry, add it to the box, pick a raspberry and give one to Reese. Good thing she finally fell asleep and stopped eating or I would have felt really bad about how much I fed her.

All for us to bring home


At the show (inside the park at Remlinger)
At the show, chicken and bunny

Canoe ride

Tractor ride

More tractor riding, Reese trying to figure out how to get up there

Train ride

Can you see Reese in there? She was so excited to go on a big ride

Cameron, Julia and Ellie. Reese and I went also, she never stopped smiling

Three cute strawberries and Reese trying to figure out how it works

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