Monday, August 23, 2010

Future Mathoner?

Julia participated in her first 1k run on Saturday. There was the annual Railroad Days in Snoqualmie and a friend of mine told me her daughter was doing the 1k Kids Run. I know Julia loves to run and loves being with Grace so I thought we would tag along for the fun. Going into it I thought Julia would walk or want to get in the stroller that Reese was in......boy was I surprised! Thankfully Grace's dad was with the girls (Jim was in Ocean Shores) because when the train whistle blew they were off! I went to put Reese in the stroller and fast walk with the girls, but when I looked up they were off and far down the street nowhere to be seen in the crowd! I waited about 100 yards before the finish line and in a short while there they were, still hand in hand running to the finish. Both girls ran the whole time, holding hands. Too cute!

Of coarse with Jim being out of town I felt a little frazzled that morning and I went to take some pictures and realized I forgot to charge my camera batteries......thanks Brooke for the great pictures!!!

The start of the race

All the kids got a medal for finishing

The girls posing with their hard earned medals

"Yea, I'm tough"

Too cute!

Waiting for the parade....the girls did not sit long in here, just until candy was being thrown out to the crowd

Sweet Reese enjoying the parade