Monday, August 2, 2010


We just got back from a fabulous and exhausting trip to Sunriver, OR. This annual trip is for the Moore family reunion, Nancy's side of the family. We are so fortunate to be included into this wonderful family. We had such a great time, but it was also a really hard trip. Reese got overwhelmed very easily so wanted to be held only by me the whole time, and she cried quite a bit :-(. But, despite all of that we were able to enjoy being with family, being away and seeing a lot of new things. We are truly blessed, and I know it!
Our gracious hosts, Sue and Marv Moore
With Marv and Sue at the County Fair
Bumper cars at the fair
Boat ride, only ride Reese was big enough for :-(

Reese and her Opa at the fair, her buddy the whole trip

Lava Lands "Hike" (a hike the kids could do)

Cousins! The bigger cousins went on a real hike this day, thus not shown
The scenery was gorgeous, wish we could capture it better
Reese sleeping on my back
The Burley, later nicknamed the "Hurley". 15 minutes into our beautiful ride Julia threw up everywhere, even on Reese. She got motion sick!

Tye-Dye shirt time

The cousins in their handmade shirts

Bike Riding every day

Concert on the green night, my favorite by far! Reese and her Opa playing "this little piggy"

Reese and Eli playing in the sand, looked so innocent
Until Reese got it thrown on her!

Game of kickball, got pretty aggressive

Beer was gone, now only water


Opa and two of his granddaughters
Pool Time!

Wyatt, Cameron, Brady

Mya, Cameron, Julia, Ellie

The whole "Carlsen" gang......I don't yet have the whole family photo, will in a week or so


Beth Zarling said...

Harper gets motion sickness too. I love the pic where Reese is passed out on your back.

kari bell said...

the bike pict is great!!