Monday, December 13, 2010

'Twas the Night..............

Every year my sister's and families go to a Christmas play. This year only us and the Holliway's were able to make it. Then as the date got closer Jim informed me he would be out of town.......doh! So I let Julia pick one friend to invite and she chose her school buddy, Jayden. It was a fun night, but tiring with three kids and myself (thankfully the Holliways were there to help out!). The girls loved the play, even Reese! One of my favorite holiday traditions, and I know it is one of Julia's and soon to be Reese's (when she starts remembering year to year).


Danny and Ellie

Julia and Jayden

Despite the look on her face, she really did enjoy the play

Ellie, Julia, Jayden and Cameron

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