Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yoder's Christmas Party

Every year our friends, the Yoder's, have a Christmas party. They are extremely generous with their time and their efforts. They adopt a family and everyone coming to the party pitches in to make Christmas a little special for them. Then we each bring a book for our own kids and they hire a Santa and have him come in and bring books to each of the kids at the party. Santa did an awesome job, he read to the kids and took time to talk to each child. I just wish I took more pictures of the actual party, oh well!

Julia and Santa

"I got Black Beauty!"

Reese never cried!!!!!

Opening Reese's book

Santa reading to all the kids


Beth Zarling said...

I love the girl in a tutu

kari bell said...

what a special event. i love the ideas (adopt a family, books from santa)!!